Jail Contact Information
Cameron County Jail
954 E Harrison St
Brownsville, TX
(956) 544-0865
Carrizales Detention Center
7300 Old Alice Road
Olmito, Texas, 78575
(956) 554-6701
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County Visitation Rules
Adult visitors are required to present a valid photo identification. (e.g., Texas Drivers License, Texas D.P.S. I.D., Passport, Military I.D., U.S. Immigration Visa/ Border Crossing Card or Matricula Consular)
Money Inmate Trust Funds
Money that the inmate had with him at the time they were booked will be deposited into the inmate’s trust fund. During the inmates confinement they will be allowed to purchase commissary.
Money that the inmate had with him at the time they were booked will be deposited into the inmate’s trust fund. During the inmates confinement they will be allowed to purchase commissary (FS & More Commissary). The cost of the purchases will be deducted from the inmate’s trust fund. When they are released from custody or transferred to another institution, the balance of the account will be returned to them. While they are in Jail, money may be deposited into the inmates account by family or friends. Inmates are not allowed to transfer funds to another inmate’s account. Inmates are not allowed to have cash, checks or money orders on their person or in their possession. Inmates may release money to their family, attorney or bond’s person. However, approval must be obtained from the Shift Supervisor.
ONLY money orders or certified checks will be accepted through the mail. No cash will be accepted and will be returned to sender. All money orders or certified checks need to be mailed to the address below and made payable to the inmate.
CO Inmate Trust Fund
Inmate Name/Inmate ID #
P.O. Box 1539 Olmito. TX 78575
Property Pick-Up Schedule
Family members may pick up inmates clothing on Monday, Tuesday and Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Inmates being released from Carrizales will receive their property only if released before 5:00 p.m.
Family members may pick up inmates clothing:
On Monday, Tuesday and Friday Only from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Inmates being released from Carrizales will receive their property only if released before 5:00 p.m. .. All others will have to come back the next business day.
Inmates leaving to other counties:
Property and monies will be given to the transporting agency for safe keeping.
For inmates that have left to T.D.C. family members have 30 days from the date of the inmates release. Pick up for these inmate’s property is:
ONLY Monday thru Friday between 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Other arrangements will have to be scheduled in advance. Please contact any Lieutenant on duty from Monday thru Friday between 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 pm.
Medical Information
No medical information on any inmate will be given to any family member for security reasons. Prescribed medicine may be brought to inmates but has to be approved by our medical department.
- No medical information on any inmate will be given to any family member for security reasons
- Prescribed medicine may be brought to inmates but has to be approved by our medical department
- No phone calls made by family members shall be transferred to the medical department
Prepaid Communication Services
NCIC Inmate Communications offers Prepaid Calling Service allowing incarcerated persons at Cameron County to stay in contact with loved ones. No incoming calls can be received except for voicemail messages to approved inmates. Each inmate will be given access to the telephone upon the completion of the booking process. Telephones for private use are located in each housing area.
Inmate calls (local and long distance) are billed at a per-minute rate, with no connection fees. International calls are also billed at a per-minute rate. Three-way calls are prohibited.
The calling rates for Cameron County are shown below:

Inmate Messaging and Video Visits
You can now video visit your loved one from the comfort of your home, as well as send messages and pictures which is quicker, easier and cheaper than sending letters through the mail. You can fund your Video Visit and Messaging with your current NCIC Inmate Telephone account or if you don’t have an account you can go to www.NCIC.com and set one up. Video Visits are $0.30 per Minute, Messages are $0.25 per Message, Picture Messages & Video Messages are $0.35 each. There is no limit on how many messages and photos can be sent to the inmates and they receive them instantly.
Benefits of setting up an NCIC Prepaid Account:
- One account to manage ALL inmate communications (Phone Calls, Video Visits and Messages)
- Quick and easy account setup
- Funding and support around the clock 24/7/365
To create and fund Prepaid Accounts, please visit NCIC Inmate Communication’s website at: https://account.ncic.com (Para Espanol, https://cuenta.ncic.com ) or call our call center at 1-800-943-2189.
Servicios de comunicación prepagos
NCIC Inmate Communications ofrece el servicio de llamadas prepagadas para amigos y familias que permite a las personas encarceladas mantenerse en contacto con sus seres queridos. No se pueden recibir llamadas entrantes, excepto mensajes de correo de voz a presos aprobados. A cada preso se le dará acceso al teléfono al finalizar el proceso de reserva. Los teléfonos de uso privado se encuentran ubicados en cada área de vivienda.
Las llamadas de los presos (locales y de larga distancia) se facturan a una tarifa por minuto, sin tarifas de conexión. Las llamadas internacionales también se facturan a una tarifa por minuto. Están prohibidas las llamadas de tres vías.
Las tarifas de llamadas para la Oficina del Sheriff del condado de Cameron se muestran a continuación:

Mensajes de presos y visitas por video
Ahora puede visitar por video a su ser querido desde la comodidad de su hogar, así como enviar mensajes e imágenes, lo cual es más rápido, fácil y económico que enviar cartas por correo. Puede financiar su visita por video y mensajería con su cuenta actual de teléfono para presos o, si no tiene una cuenta, puede ir a www.NCIC.com y configurar una cuenta. Las visitas por video cuestan $0.30 por minuto, los mensajes cuestan $0.25 por mensaje y los mensajes con imagen cuestan $0.35 por imagen. No hay límite en la cantidad de mensajes y fotos que se pueden enviar a los presos y los reciben al instante.
Beneficios de configurar una cuenta prepaga:
- Una cuenta para administrar TODAS las comunicaciones de los presos
- Configuración de cuenta rápida y sencilla
- Financiamiento y soporte las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, los 365 días del año
Para crear y financiar cuentas de cuentas prepagas, visite el sitio web de NCIC Inmate Communication en: https://account.ncic.com (Para Espanol, https://cuenta.ncic.com ) o llame a nuestro centro de llamadas al 1-800-943 -2189.