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Training Division

Any Law Enforcement Entity wishing to use the Cameron County Sheriff’s Office Firing Range MUST make proper arrangements 30 (thirty) days prior to its use. Failure to make such arrangements will result in a violation of Memorandum of understanding.





Rules for the CCSO Training Academy

Classes are limited to 40 students. All Students will abide to the following rules:

  1. No sleeveless or cut-off shirts.
  2. No shirts with offensive or vulgar words or markings.
  3. No shirts with a neck line lower than 3 inches from neck.
  4. No shorts of any type.
  5. No pants or trousers that fall lower than the waistline.
  6. No spandex or warm-ups.
  7. No sandals of any kind.
  8. CCSO employees may wear his/her regular work attire. Uniforms must be worn within regulation.
  9. The instructors may order the attire of the day for classes.
  10. Some classes will require special attire. The requirement will be included in memo form or in the course invitation/notice.
  11. To interested participants in training, at the Cameron County Sheriff’s Office parking is located in the East side (rear) parking lot. Please park on the assigned parking spaces. Remember to bring proper identification {picture I.D.} as required. Entrance will be through the East (rear) the door displays Training Division side of the Sheriff’s Office Building.
  12. Smoking or tobacco products not allowed inside the facility. Smoking is allowed no closer than 15 feet from building. A designated smoking area is located under the pavilion on the S.E. corner of the facility. Dispose of cigarette buds in designated disposal container.
  13. Students must register for training in order to attend.


    Choose Your Class

    Course Date

    PID or DOB

    First Name (required)

    Last Name (required)


    Your Email (required)

    For training information and course registration contact:

    Julian Longoria 418 (Training Coordinator)
    Office: (956) 554-6700
    Cell: (956) 479-6336