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Victim Services

We assist all crime victims whose offenders are being supervised by our department.

Services Provided

  1. Provide victim notification in assault related cases
  2. Assist with restitution issues
  3. Advocacy on behalf of the victim
  4. Court Accompaniment
  5. Assistance with Crime Victims Compensation
  6. Provide information about offender status
  7. Referrals made to community agencies for additional services
  8. Victim Impact Panels
  9. Locating victims for whom restitution is due
  10. Answer questions regarding a victim’s case or explaining the criminal justice system

What information we can provide:

We CAN tell you:

  • Whether or not an offender is under supervision
  • Whether or not an offender is current on restitution
  • If a motion to revoke/adjudicate has been filed or a warrant has been issued
  • If the offender is placed in a residential facility
  • If the offender has transferred to another jurisdiction and how to contact the
    community supervision department in that jurisdiction

What information we cannot provide:

We CANNOT tell you:

  • Anything about an offender’s medical or psychological records or treatment
  • Whether or not an offender is in treatment for substance abuse
  • Where an offender lives or works